

  • Logic Blocks

    • True
    • Represents a constant and true value. It is used to establish Boolean values of components or as a value of a variable that represents a condition.
    • False
    • Represents a false constant value. It is the opposite of true and is used to set Boolean property values to components or values in variables that represent a condition.
    • Not
    • It performs logical negation, that is, it returns false if the input is true and true if the input is false.
    • =
    • Check if two arguments are the same. These can be numbers, texts, lists ..
    • Check if two arguments are different, just like the = can be used with numbers, texts or lists.
    • And
    • Check if the whole set of logical conditions is true. The result is true if all the conditions tested are true. Each condition is inserted in the end sockets and these are evaluated from left to right. When the condition is false, the check stops, returning a False value. If there are no conditions to prove the result, it will be true.
    • Or
    • Check if any condition of the set of logical conditions is true. The result will be true if one or more of one of the conditions tested is true. As with the test conditions and from left to right, they stop as soon as one is true. If there are no conditions to evaluate the result is false.