The component Lottie is a visible component that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them on mobile. Can you see awesome animations in Lottie Animations.
- Start animation
- This method starts the lottie animation.
- Pause animation
- This method pauses the lottie animation.
- Resume animation
- This method resumes the lottie animation.
- Stop animation
- This method stops the lottie animation.
- Animation Source
- This property sets the animation source. In the BLOCK section you can insert the URL with JSON.
- Or enter the JSON file in the designer section.
- Visible
- If you set this property to 'True' the lottie animation will be visible, what otherwise it will be hidden.
- Height
- This property defines the height of the lottie animation.
- Height Percent
- This property defines the height in percentage of the lottie animation.
- Width
- This property defines the width of the lottie animation.
- Width Percent
- This property defines the width in percentage of the lottie animation.
- Lottie animation
- For this example we need an animation in JSON format, you can find it in to Lottie Animations for example. We will put the animation JSON file in designer or URL into block property 'Animation Source'.
And voila, we have our animation working.-