Speech recognizer
Speech recognizer
The Speech recognizer component is a component that allows you to hear the user's voice and convert the sound spoken in text, using the Android voice recognition feature to do it.
- After getting text
- This event is activated when the speech recognizer has translated the user's message to text. The parameter 'result' is the text obtained.
- Before getting text
- This event is activated just before the voice recognizer activates.
- Get text
- This method asks the user to speak and convert their speech into text. This method activates the previous events.
- Result
- This property allows us to obtain the last text produced by the voice recognizer.
- Speech recognizer
- This example is very simple, we are only going to use three components, a button, a label (result) and the Speech recognizer component.
- When clicking on the button we will see the voice recognition of
google, this will interpret the sound and pass it to text.
This text will be the content of our label.