Flip share
Flip share
The Flip share component allows you to create a flipping menu.
- On item click
- This event is activated, when the user click on the item. Can take the item name with parameter 'itemName' and the position in the list with parameter 'position'.
- On dismiss
- This event is activated, when 'On item click event' has finished.
- Show flip share
- Component: The Flip share will be displayed near this component.
- Items Name: It's a list of strings with the texts or names of items.
- Background Colors: It's a list of strings (HTML colors) with the background colors for the items.
- Title Colors: It's a list of strings (HTML colors) with the color for the text for each 'Item name'.
- Icons: It's a list of strings (Path icon) with the icons for items.
- Duration: Time in which each item appears (milliseconds).
- Animation Type: Type of animation (SLIDE, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL).
- Separator Color: It's the color separating two items. Type string (HTML color).
This method allows us to create the flipping menu.
- Animation types
- Slide:
- Horizontal:
- Vertical: