
  • Description


    A component that will, when the SendMessage method is called, send the text message specified in the Message 'property' to the phone number specified in the 'PhoneNumber' property.

  • Events

    • Message Received (number, messageText)
    • Event that's raised when a text message is received by the phone.
  • Procedures

    • Send message
    • This method send a text message.
  • Properties

    • Google voice enabled
    • If true, then SendMessage will attempt to send messages over Wifi using Google Voice. This requires that the Google Voice app must be installed and set up on the phone or tablet, with a Google Voice account. If GoogleVoiceEnabled is false, the device must have phone and texting service in order to send or receive messages with this component.
    • Message
    • The message that will be sent when the SendMessage method is called..
    • Phone number
    • The number that the message will be sent to when the SendMessage method is called. The number is a text string with the specified digits (e.g., 6505551212). Dashes, dots, and parentheses may be included (e.g., (650)-555-1212) but will be ignored; spaces should not be included.
    • Receiving enabled
      • 1 OFF: no messages will be received.
      • 2 FOREGROUND: the component will respond to messages if it is running. If app is not running the message will be rejected.
      • 3 ALWAYS: the component will respond to messages if it is running. If app is not running the phone will show a notification.
      Selecting the notification will bring up the app and signal the 'MessageReceived' event. Messages received when the app is dormant will be queued, and so several 'MessageReceived' events might appear when the app awakens. As an app developer, it would be a good idea to give your users control over this property, so they can make their phones ignore text messages when your app is installed.